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Marcus Behaviour

Marcus is a sympathetic person with a good heart and likes to help others. He laughs often and is in good spirits most days. But when Marcus drives home after work, he changes. Gradually, he transforms into an angry person. He uses bad language and curses people on bicycles, other drivers and pedestrians crossing the road right in front of him. Why has he turned into this person?

When Marcus started to learn to drive, he didn’t have any of these bad qualities. Had he behaved like that when he took his driving test he would have failed. This behaviour has gradually developed over the years, and Marcus does not recognise his behaviour any longer. With repetition over time, this has turned into a «programme» in his subconsciousness and driving a car triggers it.


Is this behaviour useful to have when Marcus is driving home? I would say not.
Marcus is pumping his body full of stress hormones and has set his body in fight or flight mode. This increases the chances for Marcus to get involved in an accident as anger and irritation may often lead to unwise action.

Can Marcus choose which state to be in? Yes, he can.
Marcus would probably say as many others, that it was the other drivers and the pedestrians that caused him to be angry. However, it was Marcus himself that made the choice to be angry. It is always a choice that you make.

If Marcus was God, he could control the other drivers and pedestrians. In real life this is impossible. Like many others, Marcus allowed himself to get angry and irritated by other people’s actions; something we don’t have any control over. Marcus’ mood is controlled by other people’s bad decisions.


Is it possible for Marcus to change his automatic «angry driver» state? Yes, he can.
Marcus would probably say: How can I change this when I don’t know when it appears? In mind-reboot I’m using good techniques and exercises to change this behaviour. Since Marcus has realised he needs to do something, finding solutions for change is much easier.


Think about this: throughout the day it can be smart to make a status check. Ask yourself: The situation I’m in now, which state is the most useful? To be calm, focused, look confident and smile, or be angry, frustrated and negative...? When choosing the right state, you will be the best version of yourself.
Of course, we are humans and reactions can happen out of the blue. Should you be attacked in a dark alley for example, anger and aggression might be the best state to have.
If you start to notice how you react in certain situations, try to choose the right state. In time you will find it easier and automatically choose the state which is most beneficial. You have performed a mind-reboot and made new neurological pathways for the future.


I can help you with many things but it's you who has to take the first step and contact me. Then we can start to make a plan for change. I can lead you to the water, but I can’t force you to drink. This choice is yours

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