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Mind-Reboot in action

Try this: What is your mobile number backwards? Say it out loud or just in your head. How does it feel? Strange and difficult? Repeat this a few times. You will see it becomes easier and you will find your own rhythm to it. Eureka...!

You have now performed a mind-reboot and programmed your brain with something new. This is what neuroscientists call neuroplasticity. In the bigger picture, this is how we humans function daily. Sadly, not all of these «programmes» are useful to us.


Did you know that you can visualise what can happen in the future? This is a method of mental training. A good example of this is when downhill skiers visualise the track several times before they start. By doing this, they are making neurological pathways in their mind. The body is ready to respond much quicker to the track. Even if the skier has the best technique and is in the best physical shape, it doesn’t mean he will win. If he starts to doubt that he’ll make the bend after the big jump, he has allowed himself to fail. In downhill skiing, chances for error are high and sometimes it’s a question of just a hundredth of a second that separates the winner from the loser.


Imagine this; in 3 days you are going to an important job interview. During this time, you are preparing yourself mentally and professionally. But then the thought of having a blackout starts to buzz around in your mind like a «movie». This «movie» even pops up when you are safe at home in your sofa watching TV. As this bad «movie» starts to buzz, you feel a big lump in your stomach, your body produces stress hormones, you are sweating, your heart starts beating faster and your breath increases. Over the next days, this «movie» appears more frequently, even while you are outside jogging. By repeating this sequence, you are strengthening the neurological pathways to have a blackout during the job interview. What do you think the chances are for this to happen?


These two examples are just some of the areas I can help you with. In Mind- reboot I’ll be teaching effective techniques and processes to discover your potential. Let me help you to believe in yourself, and I can replace your blackout with confidence of knowledge.


You have probably come across a person like “Marcus” in your lifetime, or maybe you are like Marcus yourself?

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